Wow! the Core badge!

I first didn’t feel I deserved it! What did I do to earn that? I participated into the RC2 tests. I wish I had done more, but was away for the others RC!
Testing is so important!
The main topic I’ve been talking about recently, in interviews and reflections, is contributing as a non-developer! I talk about it a lot in my recent interview with IndyStack, and my interview with Bob Dunn / DoTheWoo about my participation in the Hackthon project. And more interviews to come …
We, the non-developers, are just as important as the developers. There are so many ways to contribute! And testing is one of them!
I hope to inspire everyone who hesitate to contribute, we need you!
In the 6.5 Regina release, I’m listed right between my friend and famous core contributor Pascal Birchler (Swissspidy), and a very enthusiastic new contributor from Kenya: Patrick Lumumba! This is an honour for me! I know we are listed alphabetically (first name), but it’s quite something that Pascal and Patrick participated to the Switzerland Community Day on 23 March, and that we are now listed together!

And there are hundreds of people I look up to in that list!
6.5 is a very important release! Everything is going to be more simple and faster! As a lover of the Gutenberg project, the block and site editors, as well as block themes (and testing Gutenberg in advance with the plugin, as well as the WP nightly builds as shown in my presentation at WCVerona 2023), I’m thrilled to see the improvements and what the future holds!
I can already see the difference on Interaction.Site, which is quite a massive multisite, multilingual, with BuddyPress, WooCommerce and Paidmembership Pro plugins, among others.
We are 43% of the web, we have to set standards and serve the world!
Thank you to all my friends in the WordPress community! I can’t wait to see a lot of you at WordCamp Europe in Torino 13-15 June 2024! If you want to gather on Wednesday 12 June in the afternoon, come to the picnic!
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