Crashtest beta multisite presentation



The url, as shown in the slides, now redirects here as I continue my crashtests on my local dev environment. The public site copy was online only to show about it in August and November 2023, while presenting at WordCamps.

This was on the site, when it was publicly available:

I welcome intrusions!! Please try to find the vulnerabilities and enter this site. It’s on a separate server anyway!
I would love to learn where are the points of failures (and there are a lot of outdated plugins and themes which I track with the WPVulnerability plugin).
If you then tell me, I will shoutout on social medias about your skills.

This multisite serves as a crashtest and this specific installation is a copy of my running tests. I made a copy for the purpose of giving a talk about it.

I applied for speaking at WordCamp US 2023 to talk about it but was only selected as a “backup speaker” and as every other speaker showed up, I didn’t talk 🙂

I then applied for WordCamp Verona 2023 in November, and got to present this as a “Lightning talk” (10 minutes) see the video and slides below. I also presented that in October 2023 at the Lausanne WordPress meetup (in French, not recorded), as a rehearsal for Verona.

I might do a longer version, as I had no time to present the most funny part: try to activate all the page builders and block plugins at the same time in the same subsite 🙂
Neither had I the time to present all the multilingual plugins (my favorite is Multisite Language Switcher), or the fast process: Create a sub-site → copy paste some blocks (from a saved library inside this multisite) → export for a new standalone WP site (with the Prime Mover plugin).

I also mention this on “Speaking at events” page.

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