WCEU Map of Lingotto to picnic park

WCEU 2024 Picnic Pre-event


Hello WordCamp Europe friends!

In 2023 in Athens and 2022 in Porto, we had picnics in a park near the venues. Both were a success and we met friends from all around the world!
It was first inspired by a similar picnic in Vienna (WCEU 2016) organised by Francesca Marano and Naoko Takano.

This year, we are doing it again in Torino! Let’s meet for a Picnic!

This event is independently organised and not related to the official WCEU organisation, even though I’m an organiser this year. It will probably be listed on the WCEU side-events page at a later date.


Organisers: Patricia BT and Michelle Bulloch

Date: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Time: From 13:00, the whole afternoon, come anytime!

Meeting place: Park Via Ventimiglia, 115, 10126 Torino TO.
6 minutes walk from Lingotto Fiere, the WCEU venue
Precise google map pin: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zAKetF3oms5hYDMu8
Or message me (WhatsApp/Signal/Telegram) +41772655062 if you do not find us.

What to bring

A picnic can be only with a sandwich or fruits, or something you buy locally, no need to cook (not easy for those staying in hotels, right? )

Cost: 0, besides bringing food to share or for yourself.

If you follow a specific diet, please bring your own food. You can even come with just a drink.

What to expect

Meet other WordPress international community fellows. Bring your smile and an open mind.

Introverts, families with kids, and people belonging to diverse groups are welcome. Full respect is expected, in the spirit of the WordCamp’s code of conduct.


We would love to know how many people to expect and who is coming.
Please fill out the form below.
Only first name and email address are required (but it would be great to know your full name). Register every participant individually.

Your email address, phone number and private comment will not be published, kept, or used elsewhere, and will just be used to contact you a few days before to remind you of the picnic, or in case of meeting point change or cancellation. All the collected data is only going to be used in regards to this event and will be deleted after 12 June 2024, unless specifically authorised during the picnic (names and pictures).

List of participants below the form

EDIT post-event: form now removed


EDIT post-event: list of participants now removed