Public Speaking and Theater

WordPress meetups and WordCamps
I also love to present topics at WordPress meetups and WordCamps, see my WordPress contribution on the “Speaking at WordPress events” page.
My main goal is to train to feel more confident while speaking in public and the improvement has been spectacular. I shared some of the tips I learned at Toastmasters during my WordCamp Lausanne 2018 talk.
Training with experts
In May 2019, I had a public speaking confidence intensive training with Jacques Bouquard, coach and speaker, and Sébastien Eysette, comedian and lyric singer.
I joined a theater course for 1 trimester in autumn 2022, and learned from Marc-André Müller, comedian and coach, to know more about acting, posture, body awareness and voice nuances.
I joined a Toastmaster club in 2017 and left in 2019, and have been attending almost all the meetings in between. I learned a lot but left as I felt it was more aimed at the corporate world and this group was more focus on expats rather than us, locals.
I gave my Ice-Breaker speech and my second speech from the manual, and participated in numerous Table Topics (short impromptu speeches). I loved to practice and benefit from more experimented speakers.
For my business projects
I will soon start to shoot videos for my various projects, some of them live, and confidence is a must. I also love to train on body language from Vanessa Van Edwards’ online courses.
After the launch of Interaction.Site, we are going to host Live Events (ISLE, for Interaction Site Live Events), online-ISLE and in person-ISLE in different countries. Switzerland, France, Italy and Greece are in the planning.
I also plan to apply to give a TEDx talk sometime in the future, as I have a message to share!
Available to speak
I’m available to speak at different events on topics such as WordPress, diversity-representation-inclusion, fighting fake-news and pseudo-sciences, inspiration for underrepresented groups = over 50, female, non-English native speakers, etc.
Talks about the fields of underrepresented groups such as Ethnic groups, or LGBTQIA+ groups are done by partners from the relevant groups.
Contact me for more info.